Unity Editor Only
Allows drawing textures stored in a Texture2DArray to the GUI as well as functions for reading and deleting the array
Automatically creates and manages its own array when textures are modified
Includes texture fields accompanied by:
- Sliders
- Int/Float fields
- Color field
This is not a static class and an object must be created OnEnable of the inspector. Textures can be drawn by calling the object
Each texture array requires two variables in the shader
- Texture Array (Texture2DArray)
- Assigned Textures (int)
Example of using a TextureArrayGUIDrawer
using UnityEngine;
using TextureArrayUtilities.GUIUtilities;
using UnityEditor;
public class ArrayGUIExample : ShaderGUI
// The drawer can be used multiple times, once for each array
private TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawerSection1;
private TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawerSection2;
// ShaderGUI doesnt have an OnEnable function, using this instead
private bool _firstSetup = true;
private void OnEnable(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Property names are the references from the shader
// Replace them with your own
MaterialProperty arraySection1Property = FindProperty("_ArraySection1", properties);
MaterialProperty arraySection2Property = FindProperty("_ArraySection2", properties);
MaterialProperty assignedTexturesSection1Property = FindProperty("_AssignedTexturesSection1", properties);
MaterialProperty assignedTexturesSection2Property = FindProperty("_AssignedTexturesSection2", properties);
// Texture amount should be changed to the max amount of textures you want in your array
// In this example we will use a max of 4
_arrayDrawerSection1 = new TextureArrayGUIDrawer(arraySection1Property, assignedTexturesSection1Property, 4);
_arrayDrawerSection2 = new TextureArrayGUIDrawer(arraySection2Property, assignedTexturesSection2Property, 4);
// Settings of the arrays can be modified by these variables
// Most of these settings will only take effect when the array is created
// Array is not created on initialization, only when needed so these can be modified afterwards
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayCompressed = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.TransferMipmaps = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayLinear = false;
_arrayDrawerSection2.ArrayCompressed = true;
_arrayDrawerSection2.TransferMipmaps = true;
_arrayDrawerSection2.ArrayLinear = false;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// OnEnable if first call
if (_firstSetup) {
OnEnable(materialEditor, properties);
_firstSetup = false;
// Example for drawing all the textures in both arrays
// An array of GUIContent can be assigned for the label and tooltip of each field
GUILayout.Space(10); // Adds space in between arrays
public TextureArrayGUIDrawer(MaterialProperty arrayProperty, MaterialProperty assignedTexturesProperty, int textureCount, string fileName = null)
Parameter | Description |
arrayProperty | The material property for the Array (Texture2DArray) |
assignedTexturesProperty | The material property for the Assigned Textures (float) |
textureCount | The max amount of textures this array will hold |
fileName | Default: Null The filename of the Texture2DArray asset stored in a folder accompanying the material Used only on creation of the asset. Array is retrieved from the material afterwards |
Create a TextureArrayGUIDrawer using the Array and Assigned Textures properties
The Texture2DArray asset will be stored in a folder accompanying the material. Can be moved after creation
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
// ShaderGUI doesnt have an OnEnable function, using this instead
private bool _firstSetup = true;
private void OnEnable(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Property names are the references from the shader
// Replace them with your own
MaterialProperty arrayProperty = FindProperty("_Array", properties);
MaterialProperty assignedTexturesProperty = FindProperty("_AssignedTextures", properties);
// Create an array drawer
// Texture amount should be changed to the max amount of textures you want in your array
// In this example we will use a max of 4
_arrayDrawer = new TextureArrayGUIDrawer(arrayProperty, assignedTexturesProperty, 4);
// Settings of the arrays can be modified by these variables
// Most of these settings will only take effect when the array is created
// Array is not created on initialization, only when needed so these can be modified afterwards
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayCompressed = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.TransferMipmaps = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayLinear = false;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// OnEnable if first call
if (_firstSetup) {
OnEnable(materialEditor, properties);
_firstSetup = false;
// Draw textures
public TextureArrayGUIDrawer(Material material, string arrayPropertyName, string assignedTexturesPropertyName, int textureCount, string fileName = null)
Parameter | Description |
material | The targeted material |
arrayPropertyName | The reference name for the Array (Texture2DArray) shader property |
assignedTexturesPropertyName | The reference name for the Assigned Textures (Float) shader property |
textureCount | The max amount of textures this array will hold |
fileName | Default: Null The filename of the Texture2DArray asset stored in a folder accompanying the material Used only on creation of the asset. Array is retrieved from the material afterwards |
Create a TextureArrayGUIDrawer using a material and property names
The Texture2DArray asset will be stored in a folder accompanying the material. Can be moved after creation
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
private void OnEnable()
// Using the material and property names is a good alternative when you dont have access to the material properties
// Replace with your material and property names
Material material;
string arrayPropertyName = "_Array";
string assignedTexturesPropertyName = "_AssignedTextures";
// Create an array drawer
// Texture amount should be changed to the max amount of textures you want in your array
// In this example we will use a max of 4
_arrayDrawer = new TextureArrayGUIDrawer(material, arrayPropertyName, assignedTexturesPropertyName, 4);
// Settings of the arrays can be modified by these variables
// Most of these settings will only take effect when the array is created
// Array is not created on initialization, only when needed so these can be modified afterwards
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayCompressed = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.TransferMipmaps = true;
_arrayDrawerSection1.ArrayLinear = false;
public Texture2D DrawTexture(int index, GUIContent content)
public Texture2D DrawTexture(Rect rect, int index, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
The texture input into the inspector
Draws a texture using the assigned array
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Draws the texture at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
Texture2D input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTexture(0, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture if needed
public (Texture2D, int) DrawTextureWithInt(int index, int intValue, GUIContent content)
public (Texture2D, int) DrawTextureWithInt(Rect rect, int index, int intValue, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
intValue | The input integer value |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
Item1: Texture, Item2: Int Value
Draws a texture using the assigned array along with a integer value
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your integer value
int intValue;
// Draws the texture with an integer field at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
(Texture2D, int) input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTextureWithInt(0, intValue, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture and int values if needed
// Texture: input.Item1
// Int: input.Item2
public (Texture2D, int) DrawTextureWithIntSlider(int index, int sliderValue, int sliderMin, int sliderMax, GUIContent content)
public (Texture2D, int) DrawTextureWithIntSlider(Rect rect, int index, int sliderValue, int sliderMin, int sliderMax, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
sliderValue | The input slider value |
sliderMin | The minimum value that the slider will allow |
sliderMax | The maximum value that the slider will allow |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
Item1: Texture, Item2: Slider Value
Draws a texture using the assigned array along with a integer slider
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your slider value
int slilderValue;
// Draws the texture with an integer slider from 0-10 at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
(Texture2D, int) input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTextureWithIntSlider(0, slilderValue, 0, 10, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture and int values if needed
// Texture: input.Item1
// Int: input.Item2
public (Texture2D, float) DrawTextureWithFloat(int index, float floatValue, GUIContent content)
public (Texture2D, float) DrawTextureWithFloat(Rect rect, int index, float floatValue, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
floatValue | The input float value |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
Item1: Texture, Item2: Float Value
Draws a texture using the assigned array along with a float value
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your float value
float floatValue;
// Draws the texture with a float field at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
(Texture2D, float) input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTextureWithFloat(0, floatValue, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture and float values if needed
// Texture: input.Item1
// Float: input.Item2
public (Texture2D, float) DrawTextureWithSlider(int index, float sliderValue, float sliderMin, float sliderMax, GUIContent content)
public (Texture2D, float) DrawTextureWithSlider(Rect rect, int index, float sliderValue, float sliderMin, float sliderMax, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
sliderValue | The input slider value |
sliderMin | The minimum value that the slider will allow |
sliderMax | The maximum value that the slider will allow |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
Item1: Texture, Item2: Slider Value
Draws a texture using the assigned array along with a slider
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your slider value
float floatValue;
// Draws the texture with a float slider from 0-1 at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
(Texture2D, float) input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTexture(0, floatValue, 0, 1, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture and float values if needed
// Texture: input.Item1
// Float: input.Item2
public (Texture2D, Color) DrawTextureWithColor(int index, Color colorValue, bool hdr, GUIContent content)
public (Texture2D, Color) DrawTextureWithColor(Rect rect, int index, Color colorValue, bool hdr, GUIContent content)
Parameter | Description |
rect | The space that the field will use |
index | Index of the texture being changed in the desired array layout Not the index of the current array layout or textures, think of it as a constant within the set texture count |
colorValue | The input color value |
hdr | If the color is HDR |
content | The GUIContent for the field |
Item1: Texture, Item2: Color Value
Draws a texture using the assigned array along with a color value
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your color value
Color colorValue;
// Draws the texture with a non-hdr color field at index 0 with the label "Texture 1"
(Texture2D, float) input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTexture(0, colorValue, false, new GUIContent("Texture 1")));
// Use the texture and color values if needed
// Texture: input.Item1
// Float: input.Item2
public Texture2D[] DrawTextures(GUIContent[] content = null)
Parameter | Description |
content | Default: Null The GUIContent for each texture field in order If unassigned each texture will be named "Texture 1", "Texture 2", ... |
Array of textures input into the inspector
Draws all the textures in the array using DrawTexture
In some situations this will request user input when changing textures with a popup
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
// GUIContents for each texture field
// Used for labels and tooltips for the fields
// Any fields as null will automatically be assigned to "Texture {index + 1}"
GUIContent[] textureContents = new GUIContent[] {
new GUIContent("Texture 1", "This is texture 1"),
new GUIContent("Texture 2", "This is texture 2"),
new GUIContent("Texture 3", "This is texture 3")
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Draws all the textures in the Texture Array using the predefined GUIContent[]
Texture2D[] input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTextures(textureContents);
// Use the texture values if needed
public bool TextureAssignedAt(int index)
Parameter | Description |
index | The index of the texture being checked |
If the texture at the given index is assigned in the inspector
Returns if a texture is assigned at the given index in the inspector
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Replace with your float value
float floatValue;
(Texture2D, float) input;
// Draws a texture with a slider if the texture is set in the inspector
// If not draw the texture field alone
input = _arrayDrawer.DrawTextureWithSlider(0, floatValue, 0, 1, new GUIContent("Texture 1"));
input.Item1 = _arrayDrawer.DrawTexture(0, new GUIContent("Texture 1"));
// Use the texture and float values if needded if needed
public void DeleteArray()
Clears the array and deletes its file and folder if empty
Does not prevent drawing further textures, acts more like a reset
// Assumes TextureArrayGUIDrawer object is already created
TextureArrayGUIDrawer _arrayDrawer;
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] properties)
// Button that clears the array
// Will clear the array file and its folder if required
// Good to use as a reset button for the textures, will not lock further texture drawing
if(GUILayout.Button("Clear Texture Array")) {